

#2, #2, #2!!

Some nice news for my album “Just Before Sunrise” that I released in May 2021. It’s been voted the #2 album in the ‘2021 Best Saskatchewan Albums’ rankings – voted on by music lovers across the province. A big honour indeed. The album tied with Jake Vaadeland’s record ‘Retro […]

By | 2022-01-13T20:28:25-04:00 January 13th, 2022|0 Comments

A song to kick off your 2022

“Gonna make a change, Gonna light a fire” – this tune ‘Light a Fire’ from my 2021 album ‘Just Before Sunrise’ might just be the soundtrack to your resolution for 2022. Give it a spin and let me know. Happy New Years! May 2022 be a great one for you.